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Counter-Intuitive Thinking

Picture of Slajov Zizek


  • Pre-Socratic Exercise
  • Trajectory paper = 100 points
  • Article = 50 points

  1. Pre-Socratic Exercise
  2. Trajectory paper
    • Describe yourself as a trajectory, not a pop-pysch list or by physical appearance
    • Read Gasset's "Man has no Nature" [Full Article]
    • seeing a person (and yourself) as a conceptual trajectory not as a defined schema of behaviours
    • Yes, this is difficult--Not sure if THIS helps, or not.
    • 1-1/2 to 2 pages. Follow this formatting
    • Cite/quote the above writing by Gasset at least twice.
    • Create a works cited for that one source
    • Submit via email as an ATTACHMENT to the email (No sharepoint, one drive, or google docs).
    • Label the Word document as LastnameTrajectory.docx
  3. Article (You'll talk about this article at our next meeting)
    • Choose one of the articles on this page
    • Read the article
    • Know the ideas and information well enough to discuss the article in 3-5 minutes of talking.
    • You must find an incorporate into your discussion one other source concerning that same subject.
    • That talk can only be delivered at the next class meeting
    • No reading at us unless it is to read a quote that does ot exceed 50 words
    • This is not a formal presentation
    • If you are not in class next week in time to talk about your chosen article, you cannot obtain these 50 points.



Pre-Socratic Philosopher Year The idea that was not supernatural, but natural
Thales ~550s BCWater
Anaximander ~550s BC -
Anaximenes ~530s BC -
Pythagoras ~480s BC -
Heraclitus ~510s BC -
Empedocles ~420s BC -
Anaxagoras~430s BC -
Democritus ~380s BC -

Counter-Intuitives in History (Perverse Outcomes)

This list of sources CANNOT be used for hte article asignment

Counter-Intuitives Examples

  • Kiosks: for clerks, not customers.
  • Science: cannot be believed or trusted
  • Reading: out loud; moving one's lips
  • Spelling errors: use in spam to gatekeep smart people

Conflicts in counter-intuitive thinking

  • Seeking AN answer (as if there must be one), or the right/correct answer--the answer that will get a kudos. These are mechanisms of feeling that compel us to seek MORE intuition rather than understanding the counter-intuitive.
  • The dunning kruger of learning a new philosophy and not understanding how it fits with other ideas--thinking it's just unnecessarily deep, verbose or mouthy.

Articles using Counter Intuitive

You can use these for the assignment

Toward a conceptual trajectory

You can use these for the assignment

  1. Why Dolphins Are Deep Thinkers [article]
    • Clearly discuss how this is counter-intuitive
    • Describe dolphins, not physical appearance, but their conceptual arrangement
    • Discuss intelligence and intuition in wildlife/humans
  2. News Is Bad For You – and Giving Up Reading it Will Make You Happier [article]
    • Clearly discuss how this is counter-intuitive
    • This is not about being happy; what is it really about?
    • It's not called "The Relevance"; it's called the news. FOMO and superficial worldliness
  3. Suppressing the reasoning part of the brain stimulates creativity, scientists find [article]
    • Clearly discuss how this is counter-intuitive
    • "When the [dorsolateral prefrontal cortex] was ‘cooled down’, the brain seems to have stopped applying old rules [learned from experience], and been more successful at finding new rules – this is the essence of creativity in problem-solving"
  4. Bless Us, O Instagram [article]
    • Clearly discuss how this is counter-intuitive
    • Discuss your position (and how other people's poisiton) on people taking food selfies and posting them
    • The article does not justify food selfies; what does it do?
  5. Why You Should Hate Your Job [article]
    • The article is not suggesting we should just force ourselves to hate work or our job; what is the point of the article?
  6. Endorsement of the “American Dream” is related to negative attitudes toward impoverished people
    • Seeing the dark side of the American Dream