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Composition 2

Below is the reporting window for Academic Dishonesty

so that you may see what faculty can select among from the wide range of possible infractions:

Institutional Penalties for Academic Dishonesty

  • Concerning Plagiarism and AI cheating, a student who is reported through the Alert for
    • the first offense will receive a written warning from the Dean of Students. (Depending on the egregiousness of the offense, a first-time offense may move to the next level.)
    • the second offense will subject the student to disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct.
  • The 2024-2025 Student Code of Conduct (also found in the College Procedures Manual) includes a standard of conduct that prohibits academic dishonesty.
  • Violations of any standard of conduct subject students to disciplinary action, such as suspension or expulsion from EFSC.
  • Specifically, the Student Code of Conduct Standard states the following
    • Cheating,
    • Plagiarism
    • Any misrepresentation of work are prohibited.
  • "Students who are found to be in violation of this standard may receive severe sanctions including a failing grade in their respective course and, depending on the circumstances, possible expulsion from Eastern Florida State College."

Level 01 Button

Micro Apps & Formatting

Level 02 Button

Class Struggle

Level 02 Button


Level 02 Button

Allegory of the Cave

Level 02 Button

Class Consciousness

Level 06 Button

Developmental Psychology

Level 07 Button

The Term Paper

Level 08 Button

Choose APA or a Pitchdeck

Level 02 Button

The Final Exam