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Level 6

Tracking Sheet 5

Theory source

Sources for Tracking Sheet 5

  • Authored article on a website, or an article on a .gov, or an article on a non-profit site, or a peer-reviewed article
  • You can use Purdue's Online Writing Lab (Owl) or my color-coded abridged version on Inverseintuition.org:
  • If you use a citation maker, or any other source than the two listed above, and the citation does not match one of the two sources above, the citation is incorrect.
  • If I mark something wrong on your Works Cited, but you think it is correct, your only defense is to show me how you followed a page on OWL or on InverseIntuition.org
  • Look at the citation to determine what should be listed in the top portion of the Tracking Sheet.


    • To select a theory, then read and write about that theory in Tracking Sheet 5.
    • To create a list of ten connections between the theory you choose and the subject (broader theme).

    Tracking Sheet 5

    Finding a theory source

    • This source will NOT be about your subject.
    • You and I will have a discussion to decide upon a theory.
    • This source can be from any of the following:
      • An authored article on a website; fill out TS 5 as per directions on Level 3
      • A .gov or non-profit article; fill out TS 5 as per directions on Level 4
      • An EFSC database peer-reviewed article; fill out TS 5 as per directions on Level 5.

    Skim this section's bold areas, below, for a gloss overview,
    then return to here and read through thoroughly

    Choosing a theory: General Discussion of

    • TL;DR: Non-science research papers, such as we are writing, are not about your subject (the broader theme), they are really about the theory.
    • A research paper can be either applied or theoretical.
      • Applied research is lab work (think of hard-sciences) or polling/surveying people (such as Psychology and sociology). Applied research usually follows the same hypothesis, etc of a science fair project. Applied research seeks fact or truth. We are not doing applied research.
      • Theoretical research means attempting to understand some aspect of our world using a theoretical lens (a theory) to focus on a specific subject in a specific way to gain new insights and understandings.
    • We did theoretical research in the mini-research papers at the start of the term: applying a theory to a subject to narrow down the subject and see the subject in a specific way.
    • Theoretical papers help us gain meaning without judgement; if you want to judge something to gain meaning, write an essay.
    • Said another way, Applied research turns information about the world into verified knowledge that we can trust as accurate. Theoretical research enlarges meaning of fact and truth.
    • In theoretical research, the theory is the most important part, not the subject being studied.
    • Your MLA paper is really about the theory you choose to use, not the subject/scope you examine; that's the aim, to convey the theory to others. How you will convey that theory to others is by explaining that theory in a theory paragraph of the MLA paper and then using multiple examples from your subject/scope to help your reader understand that theory better.
    • If you keep in mind that the point of the MLA paper is to discuss the theory, you'll write a good research paper.
    • If you think the point of the paper is to write about the subject, you'll have an 8th grade book report.
    • If you want, you can read this article to learn more about "The Value of Theoretical Research and Applied Research"

    What's the point?

    • Without peer review in industry, science, and academia, everyone would have to test every piece of information every day.
    • New headache medicine? better run the tests yourself because no one else would have.
    • Air bags work? Better hit something and test them, because no one else did.
    • Most of your day is surrounded by items, ideas, and objects that were tested by others to be efficacious or effective.

    Why do I need to know this?

    • Most of the research papers you write throughout college will have a rubric that says you must use x number of peer reviewed articles.
    • If you have none in those papers, the paper will fail.
    • In your BA years, you will be reading peer-reviewed articles weekly for classes, because the newest peer reviewed articles are the most up-to-date useful information in any field of study, months if not years before that information makes it into a new volume of a textbook