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Level 5
Tracking Sheets 3 & 4
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Sources for Tracking Sheets 3 & 4
- Two Peer Reviewed journal articles from the EFSC databases that were published no earlier than 2021
- Article must be at least 5 pages and not a review of a book or of another article
- Download the Tracking sheet
- You can use Purdue's Online Writing Lab (Owl) or my color-coded abridged version on Inverseintuition.org:
- If you use a citation maker, or any other source than the two listed above, and the citation does not match one of the two sources above, the citation is incorrect.
- If I mark something wrong on your Works Cited, but you think it is correct, your only defense is to show me how you followed a page on OWL or on InverseIntuition.org
- To learn about Peer Reviewed articles.
- To learn that trust, for trust's sake, has no place in academia.
- Means other experts in the same discipline, such as Psychology, Biology, Art, Theater, review the written research for faults or errors.
- These experts do not know who the other judges are.
- The journal editor knows everyone and hides that information.
- The aim is so people don't judge people, but judge the written research.
- If the judges vote YEA, the journal will print that article.
What's the point?
- Without peer review in industry, science, and academia, everyone would have to test every piece of information every day.
- New headache medicine? better run the tests yourself because no one else would have.
- Air bags work? Better hit something and test them, because no one else did.
- Most of your day is surrounded by items, ideas, and objects that were tested by others to be efficacious or effective.
Why do I need to know this?
- Most of your research papers in other courses will have a rubric that says you must use x number of peer reviewed articles.
- In your BA years, you will be reading peer-reviewed articles weekly for classes, because the newest peer reviewed articles are the most up-to-date useful information in any field of study, months if not years before that information makes it into a new volume of a textbook.
I do not trust you
- I cannot trust you.
- Research is based on other research and citations, not on trust for trust's sake.
- That's why you have to cite your sources.
- That's why scientific research must be replicable by other scientists.
- That's why you have to include peer-reviewed articles in research.
- Find peer-reviewed journal articles about your broader theme on EFSC's databases.
- The articles must have been published in 2021 or later.
- The Main Container of the Tracking Sheet must cover what the journal's discipline topics are.
- In the MAIN CONTAINER, begin with these words The journal journal Name goes here...
- Some databases will have a link to this information with the rest of the citation information.
- Others will not have a link and you'll have to search for that Journal's website on the internet, find its About page, and write up that information in your own way.
- The rest of the Tracking Sheet follows TS 1-4.
- In the SECOND CONTAINER, summarize the article and begin with these words: The article "Article Name goes here" ...
- Say how it helps your research
- Lead-in a quoted passage from the article.
- Because I don't/ won't trust you, you must send two documents when you submit tracking sheet 3 or 4
- For each Tracking sheet, send two documents attached to the same email:
- the tracking sheet
- another Word document that has your two proofs: See the bottom of this page for examples
The following is the same information from the directions in Level 3 and 4.
- No pus words.
- Do not plagiarize. Use your own words
- If your quoted passage was already quoted in the article (the author quoted somebody else), you will need to indicate as such in your lead-in sentence. Below is an example of Susan Gomez quoting Joe Smith in her article, and you are using Joe Smith's quoted words:
- Joe Smith, in Susan Gomez's article "Blah de Blah," suggests we should choose words carefully: "Garbley garble garble garbley garble"
- Spelling counts
- This is also a training to have you test if a spell checker is active on any digital platform (college application sites, job application sites, pdfs for job aps, etc)
- The Tracking Sheet will not spell check for you
- If you use a a word that Word would have flagged as incorrectly spelled, I will return the tracking sheet with the word SPELLING in the file name.
- Later in the term, after all 5 Tracking Sheets, you'll be collating all of the Tracking Sheets into one document for the Annotated Bibliography assignment.
- At some point, you will be copying and pasting all of the information in the Tracking Sheets.
- You can copy and paste every Tracking Sheet as you complete them and have all that information in one document, annotatedbibliogrpahy.docx, for later in the term.
- Or, you can attempt to spell correctly in all the Tracking Sheets, and then later in the term you can sit down and copy and paste all that data from all 5 Tracking Sheets.
Visual Instructions for the Tracking Sheets
Click on image for bigger image