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Level 4

Tracking Sheet 2

Article from a .gov or a non-profit

Sources for Tracking Sheets 2

  • Articles on a non-profit website or from a .gov
  • Author name is not needed
    • Articles on Non-profit and .gov websites usually do not list authors since articles and webpages come from the collective voice of the entire organization or government.


  1. Find and read an article about your subject on a non-profit's website, a .gov website, or an .edu website
    • A .org website is not necessarily a non-profit's website.
    • If I ask, you must show proof that the non-profit's website is a 501(c)(3), which is the IRS designation for a non-profit.
    • This searchable website, Charity Navigator, lists if an organization is a 501(c)(3).
    • To find .gov websites, use site:.gov in google after a search term, such as this example:
    • Off Shore Fishing site:.gov
    • Do the same search tactic for a .edu that you would for a .gov
  2. Contrary to Valencia MLA, do NOT list a corporate author as the author for Non-profit websites.
  3. If the article is from a non-profit website with no author name, begin the citation information with the Article title.
  4. Citations for government sites usually start with the official name of the government office that wrote the article.
  5. The following is identical information that you read in Level 2: TS 1 and 2
  6. Open a blank Word document and save that document as annotatedbibliography.docx
  7. You can use Purdue's Online Writing Lab (Owl) or my color-coded abridged version on Inverseintuition.org:
  8. If you use a citation maker, or any other source than the two listed above, and the citation does not match one of the two sources above, the citation is incorrect.
  9. If I mark something wrong on your Works Cited, but you think it is correct, your only defense is to show me how you followed a page on OWL or on InverseIntuition.org
  10. Look at the citation to determine what should be listed in the top portion of the Tracking Sheet.
  11. Type your answers into the document you named annotatedbibliography.docx.
  12. Copy and paste all of your answers from that annotatedbibliography.docx document into the Tracking Sheet.
  13. Save and close annotatedbibliography.docx so you can add more data to this file with each tracking sheet 1 - 10.
  14. In the MAIN CONTAINER, begin with these words The website Web Site Name goes here...
  15. In the SECOND CONTAINER begin with these words: The article "Article Name goes here" ...
  16. Submit the Tracking Sheet by email.
  17. Submit only one Tracking Sheet per email.
  18. Rewrite as needed until Stamped.


  • No pus words.
  • Do not plagiarize. Use your own words
  • If your quoted passage was already quoted in the article (the author quoted somebody else), you will need to indicate as such in your lead-in sentence. Below is an example of Susan Gomez quoting Joe Smith in her article, and you are using Joe Smith's quoted words:
    • Joe Smith, in Susan Gomez's article "Blah de Blah," suggests we should choose words carefully: "Garbley garble garble garbley garble"
  • Spelling counts
    • This is also a training to have you test if a spell checker is active on any digital platform (college application sites, job application sites, pdfs for job aps, etc)
    • The Tracking Sheet will not spell check for you
    • If you use a a word that Word would have flagged as incorrectly spelled, I will return the tracking sheet with the word SPELLING in the file name.
  • Later in the term, after all 5 Tracking Sheets, you'll be collating all of the Tracking Sheets into one document for the Annotated Bibliography assignment.
    • At some point, you will be copying and pasting all of the information in the Tracking Sheets.
    • You can copy and paste every Tracking Sheet as you complete them and have all that information in one document, annotatedbibliogrpahy.docx, for later in the term.
    • Or, you can attempt to spell correctly in all the Tracking Sheets, and then later in the term you can sit down and copy and paste all that data from all 5 Tracking Sheets.

Visual Instructions for the Tracking Sheets

 Visual instructions for the Tracking Sheets
Click on image for bigger image