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Level 4
Tracking Sheet 2
Article from a .gov or a non-profit
Sources for Tracking Sheets 2
- Articles on a non-profit website or from a .gov
- Author name is not needed
- Articles on Non-profit and .gov websites usually do not list authors since articles and webpages come from the collective voice of the entire organization or government.
- Find and read an article about your subject on a non-profit's website, a .gov website, or an .edu website
- A .org website is not necessarily a non-profit's website.
- If I ask, you must show proof that the non-profit's website is a 501(c)(3), which is the IRS designation for a non-profit.
- This searchable website, Charity Navigator, lists if an organization is a 501(c)(3).
- To find .gov websites, use site:.gov in google after a search term, such as this example:
- Off Shore Fishing site:.gov
- Do the same search tactic for a .edu that you would for a .gov
- Contrary to Valencia MLA, do NOT list a corporate author as the author for Non-profit websites.
- If the article is from a non-profit website with no author name, begin the citation information with the Article title.
- Citations for government sites usually start with the official name of the government office that wrote the article.
- The following is identical information that you read in Level 2: TS 1 and 2
- Open a blank Word document and save that document as annotatedbibliography.docx
- You can use Purdue's Online Writing Lab (Owl) or my color-coded abridged version on Inverseintuition.org:
- If you use a citation maker, or any other source than the two listed above, and the citation does not match one of the two sources above, the citation is incorrect.
- If I mark something wrong on your Works Cited, but you think it is correct, your only defense is to show me how you followed a page on OWL or on InverseIntuition.org
- Look at the citation to determine what should be listed in the top portion of the Tracking Sheet.
- Type your answers into the document you named annotatedbibliography.docx.
- Copy and paste all of your answers from that annotatedbibliography.docx document into the Tracking Sheet.
- Save and close annotatedbibliography.docx so you can add more data to this file with each tracking sheet 1 - 10.
- In the MAIN CONTAINER, begin with these words The website Web Site Name goes here...
- In the SECOND CONTAINER begin with these words: The article "Article Name goes here" ...
- Submit the Tracking Sheet by email.
- Submit only one Tracking Sheet per email.
- Rewrite as needed until Stamped.
- No pus words.
- Do not plagiarize. Use your own words
- If your quoted passage was already quoted in the article (the author quoted somebody else), you will need to indicate as such in your lead-in sentence. Below is an example of Susan Gomez quoting Joe Smith in her article, and you are using Joe Smith's quoted words:
- Joe Smith, in Susan Gomez's article "Blah de Blah," suggests we should choose words carefully: "Garbley garble garble garbley garble"
- Spelling counts
- This is also a training to have you test if a spell checker is active on any digital platform (college application sites, job application sites, pdfs for job aps, etc)
- The Tracking Sheet will not spell check for you
- If you use a a word that Word would have flagged as incorrectly spelled, I will return the tracking sheet with the word SPELLING in the file name.
- Later in the term, after all 5 Tracking Sheets, you'll be collating all of the Tracking Sheets into one document for the Annotated Bibliography assignment.
- At some point, you will be copying and pasting all of the information in the Tracking Sheets.
- You can copy and paste every Tracking Sheet as you complete them and have all that information in one document, annotatedbibliogrpahy.docx, for later in the term.
- Or, you can attempt to spell correctly in all the Tracking Sheets, and then later in the term you can sit down and copy and paste all that data from all 5 Tracking Sheets.
Visual Instructions for the Tracking Sheets

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