Home / Composition 1 / Sidequest 1

Career Center
- Fully envisioning a future in order to make today's coursework more meaningful
- These assessments are meant to focus a discussion concerning your career, not emphatically state what career you should pursue.
- Complete the Career Interest Inventory
- Complete the Skills Profiler
- Complete the Values Test
- Complete an Appointment with Career Center Coordinator
- **ONLY the three assessments must be completed before you can submit level 2. Appointments must be completed before the end of the term.
- Go to My Plan website
- Click "Create Free Account" button in the middle of the screen.
- Fill in the Form.
- Use your B# for your username
- Use your EFSC Titans email for the account:
- On the second page, use this license code
- Click "Submit"
- Take the Interest Inventory
- Screenshot of results are needed; see Proof
- Take the Skills Profiler – Student Version
- Screenshot of results are needed; see Proof
- Take the Values Assessment
- Screenshot of results are needed; see Proof
- Submit proof document to Dr. Jones
- All three proofs need to be emailed in one word document
- Name the document file as LastnameCareerproofs.docx
- Schedule an appointment to discuss the results with a Career Center Coordinator.
- If using the web scheduler (that link above), select Career Exploration
- Choose in-person, online via Teams, or on phone
- During the appointment, remind them that you'll need a verification sent to you that you did the interview
- The Career Center will email you the proof of your interview. Rename the file they send you to start with your last name and send that proof to Dr. Jones.
the Three Assessments, an Overview
Career Interest Inventory
~25 Minutes; Online
- Discover how your interests relate to a career
- Your answers to the 75 questions are compared with others' interests in 739 career fields
- The CareerMatchâ„¢ scoring system will rank-order all 739 careers according to how well they align with your personal interests.
Curriculum Vita, or CV
- The curriculum Vita does not need to be done as part of this assignment
- However, we will be doing this part in class, as you SHOULD have a CV as well as a resume.
- See the Curriculum Vita page
Skills Profiler
~15 Minutes; Online
- Not an aptitude test
- It's aim is to objectively profile your skills, compare those skills to various careers, and generate a list of most compatible careers.
Values test
~15 Minutes; Online
- Not a test
- Knowing your work values can help you decide what kinds of jobs and careers you might want to explore.
- Generates a list of 739 occupations that are rank-ordered in regards to your six clusters of personal work values.
- The more a job agrees with your work values, the more likely you are to be satisfied in that job.
The above is all you need to know for this side quest; below is further information concerning the three assessments
Expanding upon the Three Assessments
Interest Inventory (of six area interest clusters)
- Realistic
Activities that include practical, hands-on problems and solutions.
Interacting with plants, animals, and real-world materials, like wood, tools, and machinery.
Often outside and/or nature work.
paperwork or working closely with others.
- Investigative
Ideas and thinking more than with physical activity.
Search for facts
Solve problems intellectually and abstractly
persuading or leading people.
- Artistic
Artistic areas, such as forms, designs, and patterns.
Self-expression in their activities.
sets of rules and procedures.
- Social
Assist others and promote learning and personal development.
To teach, to give advice, to help, or otherwise be of service to people.
Communicate and connect with people
focused interactions with objects, machines, or data.
- Enterprising
Start up and carry out projects, especially business ventures.
Convincing and leading people and making decisions.
Prefer action rather than thought.
abtract pondering for its own sake
- Conventional
Set procedures and routines.
Details more than with ideas
Precise standards
Lines of authority are clear
self-expression and creative self-selected options
Skills profiler
Assesses various skill sets, each with a variety of sub-skill sets
- Basic Skills
- Reading Comprehension
- Active Listening
- Writing
- Speaking
- Mathematics
- Science
- Critical Thinking
- Active Learning
- Learning Strategies
- Monitoring
- Social Skills
- Social Perceptiveness
- Coordination
- Persuasion
- Negotiation
- Instructing
- Service Orientation
- Problem Solving Skills
- Complex Problem Solving
- Judgement & Decision Making
- Systems Analysis
- Systems Evaluation
- Technical Skills
- Operations Analysis
- Technology Design
- Equipment Selection
- Installation
- Programming
- Quality Control Analysis
- Operations Monitoring
- Operation & Control
- Equipment Maintenance
- Troubleshooting
- Repairing
- Resource Management Skills
- Time Management
- Management of Financial Resources
- Management of Material Resources
- Management of Personnel Resources
Values test
Assesses values and Associated Needs
- Achievement
- Needs: Ability Utilization, Accomplishment
- Independence
- Needs: Creativity, Responsibility, Autonomy
- Recognition
- Advancement, Recognition, Authority
- Relationships
- Needs: Co-Workers, Social Service, Moral Values
- Support
- Needs: Company Policies & Practices (i.e, Supervision such as Human Resources or Technical)
- Value: Working Conditions
- Needs: Activity, Independence, Variety, Compensation, Security, Working Conditions