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Level 6


  • You will need to watch and rewatch parts of your film many times to accomplish these assignments.


Light angles/direction of light

WATCH: Direction of Light
  • 1. Front/Flat Lighting
  • 2. Top Light
  • 3. Under Lighting
  • 4. 45 Degrees/ Rembrandt lighting (the triangle)
  • 5. Side Light
  • 6. Edge Light
  • 7. Back Light

Light Tricks

WATCH: How to Light the Cinematic Film Look
  1. Highlight using Keylight
  2. Go Low Key
  3. Into the Shadows
  4. Use an Edge Light
  5. Lighting from the deptHazy
  6. Color Contrast
  7. Texture Lighting
  8. Texture Shadows


CGI is Everywhere

    Why CG Sucks (Except it doesn't)
  • CGI is not always about special effects
    • "If they do their jobs well, nobody even notices it."
    • You may not be able to determine exactly when CGI is used, but make best guesses.
    • Search online to see if you can information about CGI use in your film.
    • Note camera use to determine if CGI was used.
    • "Maybe the reason why people seem to think that visual effects are ruining movies isn't really a problem with the visual effects; maybe it's just a problem with the movies themselves...use the tool wisely"


  • Lighting Angles
    • Take pictures of you as the subject for each of the seven light angles. These will go in the discussion of lighting in your Presentation.
    • For each of the SEVEN light angles, discuss an example from your film. Give timestamps for the start of each scene.
    • Discuss what feeling that lighting trick gives.
    • Take pictures with your phone, or screen shots if on a pc or phone, for your presentation.
  • Lighting Tricks
    • For each of the eight light tricks, discuss an example from your film. Give timestamps for the start of each scene.
    • Discuss what feeling that lighting trick gives.
    • Take pictures with your phone, or screen shots if on a pc or phone, for your presentation.
  • CGI
    • Discuss the use of CGI in your film. Give timestamps for the start of each scene.
    • Take pictures with your phone, or screen shots if on a pc or phone, for your presentation.